Proposal submission

We invite researchers to submit an abstract of a research project they are involved in at the moment (maximum of 1000 words) and a motivation letter (maximum of 250 words). Both texts should be written in English.

The abstract should have a title (of the research project) and include a short description of (a) the research purpose, questions and/or aims, (b) conceptual framework, (c) methodology, (d) (expected) outcomes, (e) timetable, and (f) references. Participants will also have to state why they want to attend SCoRE’17 in the motivation letter.

The submitted abstracts will be the basis for the workshops and their outcomes (e.g., press release, animation video), in order to meet the participants’ needs and expectations.

Proposals must be submitted at Easychair, until May 31st  June 30th, 2017.

Authors will be notified until June 30th  July 30th, 2017.