Who can attend?
SCoRE’17 is open to all motivated researchers in Education interested in Science Communication and aiming to communicate their research findings successfully.
Participants should be enthusiastic to learn, and ready for a fully immersive experience on a Science Communication training programme.
No previous experience in the topic is required. However, participants should have basic digital competences. Doctoral students and young educational researchers are encouraged to apply. The maximum number of participants is 20.
Proposal submission
We invite researchers to submit an abstract of a research project they are involved in at the moment (maximum of 1000 words) and a motivation letter (maximum of 250 words). Both texts should be written in English.
The abstract should have a title (of the research project) and include a short description of (a) the research purpose, questions and/or aims, (b) conceptual framework, (c) methodology, (d) (expected) outcomes, (e) timetable, and (f) references. Participants will also have to state why they want to attend SCoRE’17 in the motivation letter.
The submitted abstracts will be the basis for the workshops and their outcomes (e.g., press release, animation video), in order to meet the participants’ needs and expectations.
Proposals must be submitted at Easychair, until May 31st June 30th, 2017
Authors will be notified until June 30th July 30th, 2017
Early bird registration: 200€ (until August 31st, 2017)
Late registration: 270€ (until September 30th, 2017)
Course fee includes:
_course materials
_coffee breaks
_social programme (PubhD Dinner and Aveiro Tour)
5 scholarships (no fee) for research fellows of CIDTFF.
5 scholarships (no fee) for PhD students in Education and in Multimedia in Education from the Department of Education and Psychology.
Important dates
Deadline for submitting proposals: June 30th, 2017
Notification to the participants: July 30th, 2017
Deadline for early registration: August 31st, 2017
Deadline for registration: September 30th, 2017
SCoRE’17: November 5th to 10th, 2017
Once you’ve received the acceptance notification by email, it is very important that you confirm your intention to attend by carrying out the following steps (be careful with the deadlines):
1) Submit the registration form by August 5th
The link to the form should be sent to you by email, along with the notification.
If you are unable to attend the Autumn School please withdraw your submission(s) as soon as possible by sending an email to de-score2017@ua.pt.
2) Pay the registration fee
Please send an e-mail to de-score2017@ua.pt attaching the proof of payment (.pdf file)
The non-payment of the registration fee will make it impossible for us to keep your vacancy.
Please be aware that there will be no fee return.
Payment modalities
1. Bank transfer
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos | Agência da Universidade de Aveiro
IBAN: PT50 0035 0836 0000 2018 7300 7
2. Bank check
Adressed to University of Aveiro and sent to the Secretariat of the 1st Autumn School CIDTFF (Rosa Paula Varela, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal)
3. Money order
Payable to University of Aveiro and sent to the Secretariat of the 1st Autumn School CIDTFF (Rosa Paula Varela, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal)
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS):We are pleased to announce that this Autumn School is accredited according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) by the University of Aveiro with 2 ECTS.
Each participant of the Autumn School may obtain a Certificate of Attendance or a Certificate of Approval, depending on whether he/she requires evaluation. In each case, the certificate will be issued by the University of Aveiro.
To obtain a Certificate of Approval, the participant must attend at least 80% of the Autumn School and get a minimum grade of 10.